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Online & In Person Peer Pressure


Cyber bullying


Online Peer Pressure

Online peer pressure involves young people being influenced by others in a similar (or older) age group and typically involves them being persuaded to do something they wouldn't likely do under other circumstances. Wanting to feel a part of something can put pressure on you to act in certain ways. Teenagers on social media may feel pressured to live up to what they see online like a "perfect" lifestyle and unrealistic body standards. Social networks have also created a space for making young people vulnerable to engaging in unsafe behaviours.


1. Cyberbullying
2. online shaming
3. Promoting negative behaviours
- substance abuse

A teen might feel pressured to take part in a prank online. For instance, commenting on another person's posts to bully them by throwing insults.

In person Peer Pressure

In person peer pressure usually involves the use of direct pressure. Direct pressure is exerted when one peer group asks, suggests, persuades, or leads another to participate in a specific action, bahaviour, deed, or challenge. This pressure resides in a one-on-one interaction, the one being influenced has more opportunity to confront his/her decision against their set of beliefs and values.


1. Acting aggressively
2. Bullying others
3. Dressing a certain way
4. Drinking alcohol 

- Peers can also encourage their friends to participate in physical activities like playing on a sports team, leading to increased physical health and social skills.

- Involves ostracizing someone who doesn't conform to group behaviours or expectations.

Dressing to fit in

Image Gallery

Here's some images to help you visualize scenarios of peer pressure. 

Made by: Janani, Katrina, Elly, and Fathma [T02]

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